Thursday, March 1, 2018

100 Word Challenge Week #22

I slowly creeped down the stairs. That deafening bang keeps coming back every night. Now was my time to investigate. Frightening thoughts flew around my head as I questioned what was making that roaring sound. I was startled by a faint creak behind me. As I turned around, I noticed a ladder leading to the attic. Against my better judgement, I began to climb. My heart was pounding as I entered the attic. Suddenly the brown boxes stacked against the wall crashed to the ground. There stood my neighbours cat Felix holding a rubber goldfish in his mouth. Boy was I relieved.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

100 Word Challenge Week #20

My heart pounded as I waited in my seat gripping to the arm of my chair. 5,4,3,2,1… We have lift off!! I closed my eyes, deliberating how the next two years of my life was going to be in space. My friend Cassie and I dreamed of this day since we were kids. Our dream was finally coming true. As we travelled through space, the beauty of the stars and planets were dazzling. Yet I felt an eccentric vibe around me. We were moving very fast when suddenly a meteoroid crashed into the engine of the spaceship. My heart stopped. I realized, we were never going to make it home.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

100 Word Challenge Week #16

Ever since I was little, I dreamed of being a superhero. I would save the world and everyone would love me. The reality is, I’m just a glabrescent hand with no special talents or abilities. People don’t even notice me on the street. One day my whole world changed in the most awesome and spectacular way ever. I woke up with a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, and could feel myself becoming bigger and stronger until I was ten times my size. With my newfound body, I was no longer invisible. They called me Mano The Great.